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Aerospace Structures and Materials

This course focuses on the analysis and design of beam structures subjected to combined shear, bending, and torsional loads. Students will explore semi-monocoque structures, including idealizations related to wings, ribs, and fuselage bulkheads. Key topics include the effects of taper and cutouts in stiffened shell structures, shear deformations, warping, and the determination of the elastic axis in both open and closed sections, as well as the torsion of multicell sections. The course also covers the stability of beam and membrane elements and provides an introduction to materials used in aerospace vehicles, including metals, ceramics, and composites, with a particular emphasis on fiber-reinforced composite materials. Methods for material analysis and selection for various aerospace components will also be discussed, equipping students with the knowledge to make informed decisions in aerospace design.

Semester Taken

2024 Fall

Taken at

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 8th Street, Troy, NY, USA

Credits  Earned


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